Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Parker clan 1956

Cousin Stephanie writes:

According to Dad [David Parker], who took the photo it is from New Years 1956, taken in the basement apartment of their house,
from L to R they are:

U. Walter, Ken, U. Charles, a piece of Sylvia (from her eyes), A. Barb, U. Roland with Paul on his knee, Patti. Sharon, Peter B, Grandma P. with baby (probably Cathy P. as it was 1956 and she was born in Oct. '56), Kathleen at the back, Alllen M., Unknown male (probably U. Bill ?) U. Ivan with A. Joan at back and David M. beside her, A. Helen, David P., back of Gary P.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Cat brain inspires computers of the future

Imagine a cat, only 100 to 1,000 times slower.... Are the mice of this world scared?
They already have a pretty good foothold in computing.
Maybe we humans should be nervous, though: 
"I can imagine the Department of Defense may be interested in putting such intelligent computers on weapons or unmanned vehicles such as drones so that they can make decisions directly without having to transmitting images back to controllers and waiting for commands," Lu said.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

The 11-year-old centenarian, with chip (The Australian, Tue, 29 Nov 2011, Page 22)

IT'S not often you talk to someone who plans never to die. Or who predicts the end of civilisation as we know it by 2045. Not unless you're standing next to that guy on the railway platform who needs a shower and is shouting about the world's ruination...

Sent from my iPhone

Monday, November 28, 2011

Faith & logic?

My son's friend Dave posted a challenge on Facebook, inviting all to persuade him of their religious beliefs using logic alone — no emotional arguments.

I wonder what the best response would be?

This looked like an interesting related item;

Sent from my iPhone

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Polar Bear 2011

Numb feet were the worst part, followed by the seething mob, and the lack of adequate information.

English Bay Polar Bear swim is a very chaotic, with crazed celebrants running every which way.

We met for brunch at Milestones - which was totally slammed. Cynthia, Akita, Adam, Steve, Keegan, Dave, Dwayne, Nelson, Tamara, Dad and I. Reservation at 1230pm, food at 1345. Table wasn't ready when Cyn arrived at 1230.

If I do this again I'll eat less and/or earlier.

Cyn, Akita and I left at 1420, to try and reach the beach by scheduled swim time 1430.

Should've hit the beach much earlier and had someone with us on the shore. Hiking barefoot to the water's edge was the worst part. Feet were numb before we even wevt in.

Dad and Mark both suggested some pre-swim exercise to warm the feet.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Does hiding baby’s sex ENGENDER FREEDOMor cross the line? (National Post - (Latest Edition), 25 May 2011, Page A1)

Lots of comments :)

Does hiding baby's sex ENGENDER FREEDOM or cross the line?

National Post - (Latest Edition)
25 May 2011

It is nothing if not an unorthodox approach to child rearing: A Toronto couple says it is trying to raise a genderless child, refusing to reveal baby Storm's sex to encourage a more neutral approach to the infant. Hiding the four-month-old's sex more...

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Saturday, April 2, 2011

Segue to Guest Post

Hey, thank you for the invitation to post as a guest on your blog!

I normally don't write much (just post pictures and links & such) so this is a challenge :) Funny, though ... I had no problem writing as a child. I suppose I haven't outgrown my adolescent awkwardness in certain areas, like public creativity. Seems like a common malady.

Infants swim instinctively, but soon forget how and have to relearn that inborn ability. Children are natural actors in play, but soon become self-conscious and shy, consumed by stage fright or performance anxiety.

"How can someone be born when they are old?" Nicodemus asked. "Surely they cannot enter a second time into their mother's womb to be born!" --NIV John 3:4

Well, apparently we can, and not quite only in metaphor; we are 'reborn' by re-envisioning our roles and relationships, sometimes in small bits, sometimes in large chunks. And these rebirths can reshape our lives.

As Wordsworth wrote:

MY heart leaps up
when I behold A rainbow in the sky:
So was it when my life began,
So is it now I am a man,
So be it when I shall grow old
Or let me die!
The child is father of the man:
And I could wish my days to be
Bound each to each by natural piety

--"My Heart Leaps Up", Found in:

Several interpretations of "The child is father of the man" are possible:

  1. What we are when young gives shape and, in a sense, gives birth to what we are when grown (likely Wordsworth's intent);
  2. As parents, we learn as much, or more, from our children -- and from our evolving relationships with them -- as they do from us (a more generic reading).

  3. ... work in progress :)

    Tuesday, March 29, 2011

    Amazon launches cloud-based storage bin
    (USA TODAY, 29 Mar 2011, Page 2B)

    Giant online HD ... my Terabyte drive has issues, so why not?

    Amazon launches cloud-based storage bin

    USA TODAY US Edition
    29 Mar 2011

    Cloud Drive works with all popular Webbrowsers on a PC or Mac but cannot be accessed on the iPad. And there are no versions of the companion Cloud Player on the iPhone or iPod Touch.

    Songs land on Cloud Drive in one of two ways. You can arrange it so that all the music purchased through Amazon’s existing MP3 store is saved directly to the Cloud Drive. Amazon has about 15 million tracks for sale.


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    Friday, March 25, 2011

    Today's news in pictures

    (It was surprisingly easy to post this!)

    Thursday, March 3, 2011

    A FIX FOR AMERICA? (IHT, 02 Mar 2011, Pg.1)

    One economist's program for US self-repair. What do you think?


    International Herald Tribune
    02 Mar 2011 more...

    In the West, government solutions to structural problems must necessarily employ some form of incentives.

    NEW YORK Americans who once believed they owned the future now look warily across the Pacific to an emerging China that is building the world's largest network of high-speed trains, taking over the solar industry and producing the highest-scoring students on international tests.

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    Tuesday, February 8, 2011
